Excerpt from the book:


by Dr. John Coleman

Above all, the battle is a spiritual one. Unfortunately, the Christian churches have become little more than social clubs run by the infinitely evil World Council of Churches (WCC), whose beginnings lie not in Moscow but in the City of London, as we see from the chart at the end of the book which gives the structure of the One World Government Church. This body was set up in the 1920's to serve as a vehicle for One World Government policies, and stands as a monument to the long-range planning capabilities of the Committee of 300. Another corrupt body similar in structure and design to the WCC is the Union of Concerned Scientists, set up by the Trilateral Commission, and funded by the Carnegie Endowment Fund, the Ford Foundation and Aspen Institute. This is the group that has led the fight to prevent the United States from mounting an effective deterrent against Soviet Cosmospheres, space-based laser beam weapons which can destroy selected targets in the United States or elsewhere from outer space. The United States SDI program was designed to counter the threat posed by Soviet Cosmospheres, a threat which still exists in spite of the assurances that "communism is dead." Soviet spokesman Georgi Arbatov told a meeting of the Union of Concerned Scientists that it is important for them to oppose the SDI program, because if the SDI program became operational, "it will be a military catastrophe." Year after year the Union of Concerned Scientists has opposed every budget which included funding for the vital SDI program, until by the end of 1991, there is not even enough money to fund further research still required let alone place the system in orbit. The Union of Concerned Scientists is run by the Royal Institute for International Affairs and is heavily infiltrated with M16 British intelligence agents.
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